LED Light Therapy Professional: The Lumineo Advanced LED - Neo Elegance Ltd

LED Light Therapy Professional: The Lumineo Advanced LED

 LED light therapy has quickly risen to popularity, due to its’ amazing benefits and no down time for the skin. The popular treatment has been used by professionals and celebrities across the globe. When introducing LED light therapy into your professional business, look no further than our Lumineo Advanced LED System.

Why is the Lumineo the best LED light therapy professional device?

  1. Sleek & Portable Design

The amazing design of the Lumineo allows it to be one of the most selected LED light therapy professional devices. The device folds down to half its size and is lightweight but still very durable, allowing it to be kept in multiple rooms without taking over much floor or cupboard space. The Lumineo can also be packed away for convenience if you’re in rented rooms or are more mobile.

  1. The Lumineo has 1200 LEDs

The compact and sleek device packs a whopping 1200 LEDs in our unique multi-LED chip system. The high number of LEDs allows the Lumineo to deliver a high quality and effective treatment for clients in a professional setting.

  1. The Lumineo has 6 wavelengths

When looking to get a LED light therapy professional device, you should consider the wavelengths in the device. With our Lumineo we’ve considered not only the clinically proven wavelengths red and blue, but also wavelengths our team of skin experts and dermatologists believe have great benefits for common skin concerns. The green led light has good research to show its benefits to help disperse melanin for reducing pigmentation, while the orange led light has shown benefits for detox of the skin.  

  1. The Lumineo has a 10-minute treatment time

Our unique Lumineo system allows your treatment to be optimised at 10 minutes, so it’s a great addition to busy aesthetic clinics, salons, and spas, who may not be able to incorporate LED light therapy for the traditional 20-30 minutes. The number and quality of LEDs allows our Lumineo to provide a highly effective treatment within a short amount of time.

  1. The Lumineo is not available to home users

Our LED light therapy professional device is exclusive for professionals, and we do not sell to home users off our website unlike other brands. This allows you to be confident in building a business around the Lumineo, knowing your clients will only be able to attain the treatments directly from you. It also allows you to stand out of the crowd from the home use LED Face masks and retail products, positioning yourself in a more professional capacity.

We hope this gives you an insight into the Lumineo, for more information please visit our professional page here 

Get in touch

We know it can be dauting looking for a new LED light therapy professional device, especially with so many options. Speak with one of our friendly product advisors on phone, email or text and have a chat about what would suit you and your business needs